Galaxy S6 Vs iphone 6 Plus: video camera comparison

By ofojf

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is due for introduce this April, however the device’s capability, particularly in the photography department, has already got the blogosphere as well as interested consumers buzzing with praise. Head over the jump to catch up on some pictures taken with the Galaxy S6 with 16MP + OIS compared to the iphone…

Download: Cydia Eraser For iOS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.3.3 Jailbreak released

By ofojf

The outstanding as well as extremely powerful Cydia Eraser tool has been updated providing instant compatibility for gadgets running iOS 10.2, iOS 10.2.1, as well as iOS 10.3.3. Those iPhone, iPad, as well as iPod touch owners who are running a jailbreak, either with the utilize of yalu102 (on iOS 10.2) or Saïgon (on iOS 10.2.1), have been…


By ofojf

The Washington post is reporting that the shutdown of one hosting company has caused the total volume of spam to drop by 2/3rds. The company in question is McColo Corp. Both Hurricane electric and global crossing pulled the plug today after a damning report revealed a number of illegal activities happening on McColo’s servers. McColo…

How to add Timestamp to pictures on Android

By ofojf

have you ever wished to put timestamps on the photos you captured with your Android phone? In this article, we discuss a few apps that can assist you add timestamp to pictures or photos you handle your Android device. If any type of of you had a camera before the digital ones came around you may…


By ofojf

[Cameron Adams] recently appeared on a panel about JavaScript libraries. He represented the hard working coder that still wrote everything from scratch. He wanted to make something mindblowing for the audience. He ended up creating the JS-909 drum device entirely in javascript without depending on libraries or flash. While he makes no claims of compatibility,…

Google introduces new Pixel 7 as well as 7 pro cases In several colors

By ofojf

Google announced the new Pixel 7 as well as Pixel 7 pro gadgets earlier today as well as to go with them, it’s likewise verified that the business has some new cases to offer, too. A number of new cases featuring matching colors are offered to select from, including Pixel 7 cases that function dual-toned…

Enter Samsung download mode without Hardware secrets

By ofojf

There was a time when All Samsung gadgets utilized to have a Home, Power as well as volume buttons. When immersive screens ended up being a fashion, the house button almost disappeared. Now, some Samsung gadgets don’t even have a Bixby button. As a result, the traditional key combination (Home + volume UP/Down + Power…